
My name is Tegan Harris I’m from Brisbane, Australia but am currently living in Borstel Germany. I’m currently 24 years old (born the 06/06/1984). I recently graduated from University and have decided after sometime I will go back (which hopefully won’t interfere with my reading :)).

I am addicted to reading. I will read anything. I find books at bus stops, second hand stores anywhere. I read fiction, non fiction, even the cereal box. Due to all this reading I decided I would take the time to record my thoughts of the books and set myself the challenge of reading the Angus and Robertson Top 100 (even if I do get sidetracked all the time). So this blog is the record of many hours of my life.

My other interest include: cooking I long to have dinner parties but my friends are the kind that appreciate the beer rather than the effort behind the food (25 year old guys are not food connoisseurs).

Painting I wouldn’t say I’m the next Renoir but I try and I enjoy it. I want to study art at university (very different from my science degree). It is on my list of things to do before I die, (will take some courage) that and to sell a painting (maybe I will put the list on my blog).

These are a few of my passions, I’m sure there are many more but I’m yet to discover them I have a lifetime to figure them out.

Contact me at: teganh@hotmail.com

13 thoughts on “About”

  1. misslionheart said:

    Why don’t you have a curry evening for all your mates? Curry + beer=Great night for all!

  2. We have nights like that though they are usually BBQ and beer, bet yet BEER and bbq if there is enough room.

  3. Tegan Harris said:

    hey, I was bored at work one day and i searched my name on the internet and came across this page.

    My Name is also Tegan Harris i live in the UK and im 23 yrs old.

    Email me on tegz10@tiscali.co.uk if you wanna chat!! 🙂

    take care

    Tegz x

  4. Tegan Harris said:


    My name is also Tegan Harris. I’m 13, and live in Illinois in the US. I like to play basketball and hope to play softball as well.

    Can you tell me what your middle name is?

    Hope to hear from you.


  5. Hi Tegan,

    Just saw your comment on my blog. What you suggested wasn’t a bad idea: I might put a post up sometime of a list of recommended books that I have.

    So do you find it hard to find people to talk about books with in real life? (It can be difficult . . . lol)

  6. Sorry, I should also say that I’ll subscribe to your feed as well.

  7. hey thought i would pop by n say hi as not spoken to u in a while!
    my old email address has been canceled so here is my new one!
    hope u r doing well
    take care
    Tegz x

  8. Very nice blog. I added it to my Book related directory. Hope it may bring you many visitors .

  9. Eric, true! I added it too and i think that many of my visitors will come to check out this blog.

    P.S Loving the picture with the guy sticking his finger up your nose, looool

  10. I like your blog very much. I love to read too and probably when I’m older I’m going to have a blog just like this one too. Anyway, i’m 17 and turning 18 this January 2008, i’m also studying a science course at university (BS Biology).

    When I entered college, I really couldn’t find the time to read books again, which makes me feel dull actually.

    So may I know what science degree you’re in? I would love to hear from you again, and how you balance your time studying and reading books and doing the things you love. Thanks!

  11. Are you a writer? Would you ever consider guest posting on one of my blogs? Nicely done, Steven.

  12. Hi Tegan, I’m glad to see that you’re still reading and writing and blogging! I try to stop by every month or so to see what you’ve read next as many of the books overlap those in my own stack of “stuff I need to read.” I hope all is well and wish all the best to you!

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